George Gasper
See: Basic Hypergeometric Series (with M. Rahman):Second Edition: 2004
Selected Publications
- Elementary derivations of summation and transformation formulas for $q$-series
- Errata to the Gasper and Rahman ``Basic Hypergeometric Series'' book
- George Gasper's May 29, 1973 letter to Tom Koornwinder and Dick Askey containing his discovery and proof of the inequality that was used by Louis de Branges to prove the Bieberbach Conjecture
- In Memoriam, Ralph P. Boas, Jr. (1912-1992)
- Using sums of squares to prove that certain entire functions have only real zeros
- Fractional integration for Laguerre expansions
- A Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma for Jacobi expansions
- Ultraspherical multipliers revisited
- On necessary multiplier conditions for Laguerre expansions
- On a restriction problem of de Leeuw type for Laguerre multipliers
- On necessary multiplier conditions for Laguerre expansions II
- q-Extensions of Barnes', Cauchy's, and Euler's beta integrals
- q-Extensions of Clausen's formula and of the inequalities used by DeBranges in his proof of the Bieberbach, Robertson and Milin conjectures
- An indefinite bibasic summation formula and some quadratic, cubic, and quartic summation and transformation formulas
- Using symbolic computer algebraic systems to derive formulas involving orthogonal polynomials and other special functions
- Solution to Problem 2 in the SIAM Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions Newsletter
- A lower estimate for the Lebesgue constants of linear means of Laguerre expansions
- Applications of weighted Laguerre transplantation theorems
- Problem 19 in the SIAM Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials Norm inequalities for fractional integrals of Laguerre and Hermite expansions
- Minicourse on q-Series
- q-Extensions of Erdélyi's fractional integral representations for hypergeometric functions and some summation formulas for double q-Kampé de Fériet series
- q-Analogues of some multivariable biorthogonal polynomials
- Some systems of multivariable orthogonal Askey-Wilson polynomials
- Summation, transformation, and expansion formulas for multibasic theta hypergeometric series
- Some curious q-series expansions and beta integral evaluations
- Some systems of multivariable orthogonal q-Racah polynomials
- Using integrals of squares of certain real-valued special functions to prove that the Pólya $\Xi^*(z)$ function, the functions $K_{iz}(a), a>0,$ and some other entire functions have only real zeros
- Extensions to generalizations of hypergeometric and basic hypergeometric functions of inequalities for quotients of hypergeometric functions that arose in research on financing efficiency of securities-based crowdfunding. Ramanujan Journal (2021).