Travel, Travel Fund, Book Fund
Each graduate student has access to limited yearly funds available to use for travel or book purchases related to graduate studies. First year graduate students receive $1; 000 total per year ($500 cap on book purchases). All other graduate students receive $750 total year ($250 cap on book purchases). The travel/book fund is available to use during the academic year. Funds may not be carried over to the next academic year; any unused funds will be forfeited at the end of the year.
The Mathematics Department has limited funds allocated to support graduate student travel to present work or attend conferences and seminars of relevance to a student’s educational and professional development. The student should first approach their adviser to inquire about funding through a grant held by the adviser. Please note that funding from federal grants will carry additional limitations beyond the standard University policy, such as no alcoholic drink reimbursement. More information can be found at this link.
The student should also seek funding from other sources, such as hosting institutions or conference organizers. After these steps are taken, the student may apply for travel support from the Mathematics Department directly. The student should submit the application(s) as early as possible to secure funding before booking travel, but certainly at least one month prior to the date of travel. The student will receive a written response within 10 days. To apply, the student should submit by e-mail to the Graduate Program Assistant a description of the conference (including titles, dates, web URL’s) and the intended use and total amount of funding requested. The application should also specify other sources and amounts of funding that the student has applied or secured.
After the travel is complete, the student should create an expense report and submit original receipts to the department financial assistant. The student also should submit by email to the Graduate Program Assistant a summary paragraph describing how the completed travel benefits the student’s educational or professional development. Once the summary paragraph has been received and approved, funds will be released for reimbursement.
A student seeking travel support for a conference or seminar at which he or she has an opportunity to contribute a presentation must concurrently apply for a Graduate School Travel Grant. Applications are available at this TGS website. The student may consult with the Business Administrator regarding budgetary questions on the application as necessary.
A graduate student may utilize the travel/book fund to make a book purchase through the office at any time during the year. To make a purchase, the student should email the Graduate Program Assistant the website link to purchase the book. Amazon is the most commonly used vendor, though other vendors can be used. The Graduate Program Assistant will then complete the purchase and inform the student when the book is ready to be picked up from the Math Office (Lunt 201).