Geometry/Physics Seminar

Title: Character sheaves and minimal idempotents on unipotent groups
Speaker: Tanmay Deshpande
Speaker Info: U of Chicago
Brief Description:
Special Note:

I will describe some of the main features of the theory of character sheaves on unipotent groups developed by Drinfeld and Boyarchenko. Let G be a unipotent group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p>0. Drinfeld defined the notion of L-packets of character sheaves on G in terms of minimal closed idempotents e in the braided monoidal category D_G(G) of conjugation equivariant complexes on G (under convolution with compact support) and formulated some conjectures about their properties. In particular, he conjectured that the Hecke subcategory eD_G(G) is the bounded derived category of a modular category. The proof of this conjecture for a general minimal idempotent can be reduced to a special class of minimal idempotents known as Heisenberg idempotents. Finally we will study Heisenberg idempotents and see some ideas involved in proving Drinfeld's conjecture in the case of Heisenberg idempotents.
Date: Thursday, November 18, 2010
Time: 1:00pm
Where: Lunt 102
Contact Person: David Nadler
Contact email: nadler@math.northwestern.edu
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